Benefits of Accreditations

What benefits does accreditation offer?

Through its accreditation activities, ICCAB in its role as a national accreditation body, makes an important contribution to strengthening the quality infrastructure and hence the all International Geographical location are business location.

Accreditations offer many benefits :

For Companies

  • Better acceptance of products and services eases market access or makes it possible
  • Tested once, accepted everywhere: International comparability and recognition of certificates, inspections, tests or calibrations prevents costs resulting from multiple assessments
  • Proof of competence facilitates the selection of a suitable service provider for the conformity assessment of goods and services

For Accredited Bodies

  • Objective proof of quality and competence for the activities of conformity assessment bodies according to international standards
  • Competitive advantages over non-accredited market participants

For Consumers

  • More consumer trust in the quality of products and services - notwithstanding a complex global market
  • Fewer production errors or recalls

For Legislators

  • Flexible alternative to legislation